Bienvenue ! N'hésitez pas à me soumettre vos textes, vos articles, vos commentaires ! Ils seront publiés après validation. Laissez également vos avis, vos idées pour faire avancer ce blog ! Bonne visite sur Ju in the Mix !

Who is Ju ?

Hi, reader, my friend !

You have been hearing of this strange character called "Ju" for few days but who is he exactly ? Huh ? I suppose you have no idea, as usual.

So, who is Ju ?
Ju is on the point of becoming an international star and he... lol... I'm talking garbage...
Actually, Ju is a cute boy, living in a quiet family. His age ? He is probably between 10 and 13. But it's not important to know that. However, one fact must be taken into account : Ju is another part of me, another release which shows... well... maybe which shows a lost guilelessness, a lost innocence (when I still believed in Santa Claus for instance...) and, eventually, he is a sensitive boy, even if the events may seem misunderstood to him.

I decided to write his misadventures for only one goal : to entertain you ("let me entertain you", as he says so well !). What's amusing to see a very young boy in situations totally unusual, asking to his father why this thing is here, why the strawberries are red instead of grey... yes, it's a type of questions which no have any sense and completely useless for an adult but for the child it's simply the discovery of the world ! This ignorance often creates humour, it's well known...

Ok guys ! I hope my english was not bad ! Actually, it was an excellent training to stimulate my vocabulary for my next exam and it also was an opportunity to explain what I do in this "blog" (it's the same as french ?) !
Thx for your patience and see you soon !

Ju (not him, the other !)
(And I love me.)

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